The article from the cover was written by David Ruis, and my head is still spinning and processing what he wrote. What stands out most in my mind is basically that there is no authentic worship without justice and righteousness (Amos 5:23-24). If we do not care for others, we cannot worship God.
Reading this I thought about this time last week when we had the youth rally in Vermont. I've never seen our kids worship like that. I've seldom been in any worship service like that. And the reason the worship was so incredible was not because of a great band or a "worshipful" atmosphere. It was great because we were a room full of people who that week had been whole-heartedly devoted to serving God through caring for those around them.
Too often we come to worship wondering what we're gonna get out of it. We hope the band plays the song we like, or we hope they play that old hymn that reminds us of way back when. But the truth is that true worship will not happen unless we devote ourselves daily to serving Christ and serving others. If half the people that sit in our sanctuaries would focus on worshipping God all week through service to Him and through loving people then our corporate worship would be amazing!
So think about that next time you're sitting in church wondering why you just can't connect with the worship. Ask yourself if you've done what God has called you to do in the way you treat others. Maybe if we all do that then our corporate worship will be better than we can imagine. And I think God would like it more, too.
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