Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 3

Today started out with much uncertainty. Since we've been here they've had storms in Brazil that they usually don't see in July and August. It was pouring all night last night and into the morning and we were praying that the rain would stop. 

By the time our crowded bus pulled up to the house church in Novo Horizonte the rain stopped. We were able to go out into the neighborhood and share Christ.  The Americans got into groups and went down the street talking to all who would listen to us.  We had several people accept Christ, were able to pray with some, and made many contacts for the house church.

The Brazilians went out looking for kids and invited them to an event we had for children at the house church. There were close to 40 kids packed on the patio of the house. We teamed up with the Brazilians and did VBS type activities. I believe we really planted some seeds there with children and their parents.

Tonight we went back to the church building and had a worship service with the young people from the church. It was a very powerful time of worship. We heard from a guy who is an American and a pastor of a Brazilian church. He spoke to all of us about this generation must love God more than the pleasures of this world. The prayer time afterwards was truly amazing and hopefully prepared us for tomorrow. 

The pastor of the church here has invited us to fast tomorrow morning. If you are reading this I would like to encourage you to do the same. Tomorrow after lunch we are going to Sao Camilo. This slum has been on the hearts of the church here for 3 years now and has been a very difficult place to reach.  We're praying that God would break the chains that bind this place. That they would see the light of Christ through us and others who go there to share of His salvation.

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